Teacher Notes

Bible Stories for Adults



Welcome and Announcements
    Next Week - Judah is Taken Into Captivity (2 Kings 24-25, Ezekiel, Jeremiah 38-44)
    Bible Words to Remember:
      The Lord delights in those who fear Him, who put their hope inn His unfailing love. Psalm 147:11

Opening Prayer

Hezekiah to Josiah (2 Kings 18-23, 2 Chronicles 33-34)
    How faithful of a king was Hezekiah?
      2 Kings 18:5-6 = Most faithful of all of Judah's kings

    How faithful was Hezekiah's son, Manasseh? = Worse than Amorites
      2 Chronicles 33:1-3, 6, 9 = Reversed good of father, sacrificed son, defiled temple
    How did God decide to deal with this evil rejection?
      2 Kings 21:12-13 = Punish Judah as He had Samaria
    Why did God allow Manasseh to reign 55 years? = Removed foreign gods when returned
      2 Chronicles 33:11-13 = Repented after being taken captive to Babylon, restored to power

    How faithful was Manasseh's son, Amon?
      2 Chronicles 33:21-22 = Was as evil as his father had been
    Why did Amon reign only 2 years?
      2 Chronicles 33:24-25 = Assassinated by officials, Son Josiah took over

    Did God finally give up on these faithless Jews and punish them as He had Samaria?
      Jeremiah 1:1-3 = Called Jeremiah during Josiah (100 yrs after Isaiah, 600 before Jesus)
    Was Josiah any more faithful than his father or grandfather? = Even removed altars in Israel
      2 Chronicles 34:2, 8 = Was faithful, Ordered temple repairs, removed places by Solomon
    What was found in the temple that showed Judah's faithlessness?
      2 Chronicles 34:14, 30, 32 = Book of the Law, Josiah had it read & people pledged to it
    Did Josiah's faithfulness lead God to cancel His plans to punish Judah?
      2 Chronicles 34:27-28 = No, but He would wait until after Josiah was gone
    Did Josiah's pride ever get ahold of him as it had faithful kings who had preceded him?
      2 Chronicles 35:20-23 = Forced battle on king of Egypt who God had sent to fight Assyria, killed

    How long did Josiah's reforms last?
      2 Kings 23:31a, 32 = His son, Jehoahaz, was evil

God Calls Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1)
    What had Jeremiah done to be chosen by God to be His prophet?
      Jeremiah 1:4-5 = Nothing. God appointed Jeremiah before he was born
    Who else recognized their call into God's service from birth?
      Galatians 1:15-16 = Paul was set apart from birth to preach Christ to the Gentiles
    Who else was chosen before birth and predestined to carry out God's plan?
      Ephesians 1:11 = We have been

God Equips Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1)
    What was Jeremiah's concern when God called him and how did God respond? = See 1Tim 4:12
      Jeremiah 1:6-9 = I'm only a child...I am with you and...put my words in your mouth
    What did God show Jeremiah to build confidence? = Almond tree in Hebrew sounds like watching
      Jeremiah 1:10-12 = Almond branch -> God will watch to make sure His word is fulfilled

    What did God show Jeremiah to explain His plans? = Boiling kettle symbolized war
      Jeremiah 1:13-16 = Boiling pot indicating disaster will come from north
    How would Jeremiah be able to present this message to the kings & nations?
      Jeremiah 1:10 = God set Jeremiah over nations & kingdoms; both doom & restoration
      Jeremiah 1:17-19 = God has made Jeremiah strong. I am with you and will rescue you

Security in the Temple (Jeremiah 7)
    Where did God send Jeremiah to call the people to return to God?
      Jeremiah 7:2-3 = At the gate of the temple
    How did God answer Judah's sense of security from wrath since God's temple was there?
      Jeremiah 7:4 = Don't trust in these deceptive words

    How were the people using the temple?
      Jeremiah 7:9-11 = Do evil then come to the temple for protection
    Didn't God command sacrifices and worship of His people?
      Jeremiah 7:21-23 = Sacrifices & worship mean nothing without obedience

    How then could the people return to God's favor?
      Jeremiah 7:5, 7 = Change your ways & actions; you can live here forever
    How would the people respond to this message?
      Jeremiah 7:27-28 = They would not listen to it
    What would God do as a result?
      Jeremiah 7:20, 33-34 = Bring disaster on Judah & Jerusalem

The Potter and the Clay (Jeremiah 18)
    What did God send Jeremiah to see?
      Jeremiah 18:1-4 = Pot became deformed, potter reformed into another pot
    What was the message of what Jeremiah saw?
      Jeremiah 18:5-6 = God can reform a new Israel from the deformed Israel

    Why should Judah repent if God has already decided to destroy it?
      Jeremiah 18:7-8 = God will change His plans of wrath if nation repents
    But wasn't Judah protected by God's plans and promises for them?
      Jeremiah 18:9-10 = God will change His plans of blessing if nation turns evil
    Would Judah repent if God warned them of His plans?
      Jeremiah 18:11-12, 18 = God sent Jeremiah to warn, but they rejected & attacked him

God's Plans for the Old Pot (Jeremiah 19)
    Where did God send Jeremiah to announce the impending disaster? = See 2Ch 7:31
      Jeremiah 19:1-3 = Topheth in Valley on Ben Hinnom, where humans were sacrificed to Baal
      NOTE: Potsherd Gate overlooked main dump for broken pottery
    What reasons did Jeremiah give for the disaster?
      Jeremiah 19:4-5 = They forsook God and worshipped evil & made-up gods

    How severe would this disaster be?
      Jeremiah 19:6-9 = Slaughtered by enemies, scorned & mocked by others
    Why did God have Jeremiah bring a clay pot?
      Jeremiah 19:10-11 = Smashed the pot to show how Judah would be smashed

Jeremiah's Reception (Jeremiah 20)
    Where did Jeremiah go after speaking at Topheth?
      Jeremiah 19:14-15 = Temple court to proclaim disaster on Jerusalem
    How did the temple officer react to Jeremiah saying this in the temple?
      Jeremiah 20:1-2 = Had him arrested, beaten & put in stocks
    How did Jeremiah use this to again speak his message?
      Jeremiah 20:3-6 = Prophesied exile to Babylon

    How did Jeremiah feel about being ridiculed and rejected?
      Jeremiah 20:7-8 = He complained to God
    Why didn't Jeremiah just stop prophesying?
      Jeremiah 20:9 = He is unable to hold in God's word
    In what did Jeremiah take comfort?
      Jeremiah 20:11 = The Lord is with me like a mighty warrior

God's New Covenant for the New Pot (Jeremiah 31)
    From the lesson of the potter (18), how did God plan to reform Israel?
      Jeremiah 31:31-32 = He will make a new covenant with a new Israel
    Who is the new Israel, the new children of Abraham?
      Galatians 3:7-9 = Those who have faith
    How will this new covenant be different?
      Jeremiah 31:33-34 = Put law in minds & on hearts, all will know me, I will forgive their sins

    What was required to guarantee God's old covenant with Israel?
      Hebrews 9:16-18, 20 = Blood
    How is God's new covenant with the new Israel guaranteed?
      Hebrews 9:14-15, 7:22 = By the shedding of Jesus blood
    How are we reminded regularly of this new covenant?
      Matthew 26:26-28 = This is my blood of the covenant...

Hope For The Exiles (Jeremiah 23)
    Would vengeance ever be taken against those who destroy Judah?
      Jeremiah 23:1-2 = God will punish them for the evil they have done
    Would the exiled Jews ever return?
      Jeremiah 23:3-4 = God will gather a remnant and bring them back

    Would Judah and Israel ever have a righteous king?
      Jeremiah 23:5-6 = I will raise up to David a righteous Branch
    How important will this restoration be to the new Israel?
      Jeremiah 23:7-8 = They will look to God's gathering more than the exodus

Closing Prayer

Copyright © 1997 by Kurt Rosenhagen

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