Bible Stories for Adults

Jacob and Esau

Genesis 25:19-34, 27:1-45

Welcome and Announcements
    Next Week - Jacob Flees and Returns (Genesis 27:41-33:20; 35)
    Bible Words to Remember:
      Join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God, who has saved us and called us to a holy life - not because of anything we have done but because of His own purpose and grace. 2 Timothy 1:8-9

Opening Prayer

The Next Generation (Genesis 25:19-23)
    How was God's promise to Abraham carried to the next generation?
      Genesis 17:15-19
    How was this miracle repeated for the next generation?
      Genesis 25:19-21
    How long had Isaac waited for a child?
      Genesis 25:26b
    How did God control fertility in the following generation?
      Genesis 29:31

    How were Rebekah's troubles in pregnancy a sign of things to come?
      Genesis 25:22-23
    How was this similar to the previous generation?
      Genesis 17:20-21
    How was this repeated in the next generation?
      Genesis 49:3-4, 10
    How was this repeated in the following generation?
      Genesis 48:17-20

The Birthright
    The birthright belonged to the firstborn. It conveyed:
      Genesis 27:4
      Genesis 27:29
      Deuteronomy 21:17
    What did the fathers want in each circumstance?
      Genesis 17:18
      Genesis 25:28, 27:32-33
      Genesis 49:3
      Genesis 48:17-18
    What is God's message to us through these changes in birthright?
      Romans 9:10-16

The Sons (Genesis 25:24-26)
    What was the birth-order of Jacob and Esau?
      Genesis 25:24-26
    What were the meanings behind the names given to the sons?

Expensive Stew (Genesis 25:27-34)
    How well did Esau's name fit him?
      Genesis 25:27-28
    How well did his nickname, Edom, fit him?
      Genesis 25:29-30
    How well did Jacob's name fit him?
      Genesis 25:31-33
      Genesis 27:36

    How upset was Esau that he had lost his birthright?
      Genesis 25:34
    What does this say about Esau's discernment and faith?
      Hebrews 12:16

Isaac's Last Responsibility (Genesis 27:1-4)
    What did Isaac need to take care of before he died?
      Genesis 27:1-4
    How was this repeated in other generations?
      Genesis 24:1-4
      Genesis 48:21-49:1
      Genesis 50:24

    How old was Isaac at this time?
      Genesis 41:46-47; 45:6; 47:9; 30:25; 29:18, 21, 27,30
      Genesis 25:26
      Genesis 35:28
    Was Isaac's plan in line with God's plan?
      Genesis 25:23

Rebekah's Plan (Genesis 27:5-17)
    How righteous was Rebekah's plan after eavesdropping in on Isaac's plan?
      Genesis 27:5-10
    Was Jacob resistant to sinning by deceit?
      Genesis 27:11-12
    How did Rebekah ease Jacob's concern?
      Genesis 27:13
    What details did Rebekah consider in her plan of deceit?
      Genesis 27:14-17

Jacob's Blessing (Genesis 27:18-29)
    How hard did Jacob work to deceive his father?
      Genesis 27:18-19
      Genesis 27:20
      Genesis 27:21-23
      Genesis 27:24
      Genesis 27:25
      Genesis 27:26-27
    What was the blessing that Isaac gave Jacob?
      Genesis 27:28-29

Esau's Blessing (Genesis 27:30-40)
    Did Esau know what had just happened?
      Genesis 27:30-31
    How did Isaac and Esau react when they learned what had happened?
      Genesis 27:32-34
    Why didn't Isaac just give Esau the same blessing?
      Genesis 27:35-37
    What was the blessing that Isaac gave Esau?
      Genesis 27:38-40

Jacob Flees (Genesis 27:41-28:2)
    How upset was Esau with Jacob?
      Genesis 27:41
    What did Rebekah plan to protect Jacob?
      Genesis 27:42-45
    How did Rebekah again use deceit to accomplish her plan?
      Genesis 27:46-28:2

Examples of Faith? (Genesis 25-27)
    How did Isaac's faith, or lack of faith, reveal itself?
      Genesis 25:28
      Genesis 27:1,4
    How did Rebekah's faith, or lack of faith, reveal itself?
      Genesis 25:28
      Genesis 27:6-10
      Genesis 27:46

    How did Jacob's faith, or lack of faith, reveal itself?
      Genesis 25:31
      Genesis 27:11-12
      Genesis 27:19-27
    How did Esau's faith, or lack of faith, reveal itself?
      Genesis 25:33-34
      Genesis 26:34-35, 28:6-9
      Genesis 27:38
      Genesis 27:41

    Why did God continue to bless and protect this family?
      Genesis 22:17-18

Closing Prayer

Ages when Jacob stole Esau's blessing
    Genesis 41:46 - Joseph was 30 when he went to work for Pharaoh
    Genesis 45:6 - Jacob & sons came to Egypt 2 years into famine (after 7 years of prosperity)
    ==> Joseph was 39 when Jacob came to Egypt (30 + 7 + 2)
    Genesis 47:9 - Jacob was 137 when he came to Egypt
    ==> Jacob was 98 when Joseph was born (137 - 39)
    Genesis 30:25 - Jacob left Laban soon after Joseph was born (when he was 98)
    Genesis 29:18-30 - Jacob had worked for Laban for 21 years (7 + 7 + 7)
    ==> Jacob was 77 when he started work for Laban
    Genesis 27:41-43 - Jacob went to Laban immediately after he stole Esau's blessing
    ==> Jacob was 77 when he stole Esau's blessing
    Genesis 25:24 - Jacob & Esau were twins
    ==> Esau was 77 when he Jacob stole his blessing

Copyright © 1997 by Kurt Rosenhagen

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